Dental Teeth Whitening

The benefit of a dental teeth whitening procedure is that almost everyone who tries it can see an improvement in the appearance of their teeth. A person can choose from professional whitening at a dental office, professional kits purchased from a dental office to use at home, or whitening kits purchased over the counter.

The terms bleaching and whitening are often used interchangeably for the same dental teeth whitening procedure, but there is a difference between the two. Bleaching applies to a situation when teeth can be made more white than their natural color. Whitening occurs when teeth color is improved from the removal of dirt or other debris from them such as when a person uses whitening toothpaste.

Choice of color of a dental artificial limb. The woman on reception at the dentist. Close-up

Professional whitening performed at a dental office is preferred by many people over store-bought whitening kits used at home. One reason for this is the stronger bleaching gel used at the dental office. Results can be seen much quicker than over the counter kits. There is less tooth sensitivity with professional whitening also. The only disadvantage to professional dental teeth whitening is the cost. It costs around $650 compared to $400 for professional kits used at home and up to $100 for whitening kits or strips purchased at stores.

Professional take-home whitening kits also provide better whitening results than those purchased over the counter. One reason for this is because the whitening trays used to put the bleach on the teeth are custom made, so the bleach stays on them better. A second reason is that the bleach is in a more concentrated form, so it can whiten the teeth better than a kit purchased at a store.

dental teeth whitening procedure including teeth sensitivity, gum irritation and a condition called Technicolor teeth. Technicolor teeth is the result of a person having crowns, porcelain veneers or other types of restoration work that does not respond to the whitening procedure.

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